There is a Chinese saying that goes like this…
“Give me a fish, and I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, and I will eat for a lifetime.”
There are non profit organizations that fill a need in our society - to feed the hungry, to provide shelter and protection, to share and distribute funds to the needy, and more.
But then, there are non profits like American Rupite that teach us how to fish!
At American Rupite, it is our mission to connect and empower individuals, businesses, and organizations across borders to create opportunities for cross-cultural and business collaboration without boundaries. It is our goal to help you learn how to help yourself, how to collaborate, how to form partnerships, how to work in teams…
And all that with one purpose in place - to share with you and to enable you to “fish”, so you may eat for a lifetime!!!
“Give me a fish, and I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, and I will eat for a lifetime.”
There are non profit organizations that fill a need in our society - to feed the hungry, to provide shelter and protection, to share and distribute funds to the needy, and more.
But then, there are non profits like American Rupite that teach us how to fish!
At American Rupite, it is our mission to connect and empower individuals, businesses, and organizations across borders to create opportunities for cross-cultural and business collaboration without boundaries. It is our goal to help you learn how to help yourself, how to collaborate, how to form partnerships, how to work in teams…
And all that with one purpose in place - to share with you and to enable you to “fish”, so you may eat for a lifetime!!!